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Zumthor - Serpentine Pavilion

The Brief

The brief required us to remodel exiting pavilions which precedence had been given to refer to. After modeling we are required to design and form diagrams that portray information in regards to the pavilions accurately and efficiently. Furthermore, it required us to carry out a close analysis of the pavilion via research, observations, and assumptions to fully unpack the presence of circulation and threshold in the design of the pavilion.



The circulation diagram shows some paths which viewers will take. Straight lines mostly are drawn in the corridor, which is a public space for walking. Curved path are mostly depicted in the inner garden as it formed a privated space for relaxation. Also, the activities of viewers also depends on darkness and brightness in different space.


The threshold of this pavilion is where the viewer’s experience starts. After entering the black corridor, viewers will follow the narrow way into a bright garden. From darkness to brightness, from outside world to inner garden, there is a sense of transition which defines threshold. The darkness is shaped by enclosed walls and sloping roof on top. The sides of garden are shaded by protruding roof, and the inner
garden is lightened by the opening above it.



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