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/M2-1 Solid and Void

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The Brief

Module 2-1

In this module, we will explore digital fabrication and parametric software through two tasks. Task A will explore volumes and 3D printing techniques with a focus on additive and subtractive processes. Task B will explore surfaces and laser cutting techniques. In both tasks, we will use a 100mm x 100mm x 100mm bounding box or frame; this is not a physical boundary, but a framework from which we will operate within.

The aim of the module is for us to understand the iterative nature of digital design and work through a workflow from design to physical outcome. This module also provides us with a set of parametric design strategies for M3.

The Concept

Module 2-1

The concept which guided the design process was to create a semi-private space which encourages discussion between people whilst providing personal space for them. One of the most important factors should be mentioned here, which is the degree of accessibility, depending on such as visual and threshold. It is crucial for the social structure to be reflected on the physical formation of space. In this way, communal spaces can develop at various degrees, evolving gradually from smaller social groups to bigger scale ones and from private to public realm. These gradual steps can provide a greater feeling of security and a stronger sense of belonging.


In the visual script different grid variations and geometries were experimented with to discover multiple outcomes and their light and spatial qualities. Also, experimenting with different solutions, such as Voronoi, to play with different shapes and interesting subtractive and additive outcomes. These results present a diverse range of geometries tested in different distribution densities and how it creates potential spaces.

3D Model

Module 2-1

Model 1&2 script used was given during the workshop; however, it has been modified and personalized via the changing of geometries. However, experimenting with that scripts had its limitations and with the amateur digital fabrication knowledge at the moment resulting in more random geometry groups. Through further research in hopes of reaching closer towards the desired outcome, the following solutions separated 27 geometries, which were formed by the grids, into three groups in an x-axis direction. It provides more possibility and flexibility on different geometries outcome with multiple variables, while it also could control the random and non-ideal outcome problems to a great extent. 

The third model to create the cracked geometry was the result of further research and learning about different plug-ins, such as Intersect and Lunchbox. This one is quite different to the first two while using different solutions and algorithm.

Design Detail

Module 2-1


/M2-2 Surface and Waffle

The Concept

The concept in which guided the process of creating models was to create a contemplative space of different levels of privacy. The main interior space being a more private space to encourage self-reflection and the exterior space being more public to encourage the contemplation of one’s surroundings. To create an atmosphere conducive for contemplation. Tall and large spaces create echoes while the waffle forming around the space encourages an individual to stay or ambulate the space. In summary, the main factors which interest the design most is light, visual perception, and spatial atmosphere.

By experimenting and refining the visual scripts as new skills and further understanding is acquired through the iterations, the form slowly transitioned from one that is random to one that is of a desired outcome.

Module 2-2

3D Model

Module 2-2

Radial Waffle


For the radial waffle model, one of the critical considerations is the structure problem. All of the single pieces should be intersected with top and bottom rings to avoid the instability and collapse possibility. It means that a mostly complex column which might create too many small pieces would fail to transform into a radial waffle. This issue could be found at the bottom; one of the pieces is not big enough to touch the notched ring. Also, the model is expected to follow the design concept. 

XY Waffle


For the XY waffle, the structure of it is very different from the radial waffle. All of the pieces are easier to combine together to keep itself stable. One of the key considerations is about the sunlight, which related to how to provide sufficient light in the private interior area and how to create some interesting shadow. Because there are more pieces to construct the XY waffle than the radial waffle, the rooftop of interior space might block most of the sunlight. The light from two entries is not enough to brighten the interior space. 

Design Detail

Module 2-2


Module 2-1

Design Detail

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